That would seem to be plenty, but that is just guesswork on my part. It is good to hear that there has been some success and I like the use of hiyaluronic acid and the enzymes.
You know, a couple of other things you might consider are MSM and/or DMSO. They have been used for over 35 years by veterinarians for pain and inflammation in cats and dogs. From what I have read, the normal dose of MSM is 1/8 teaspoon of powder per 10 pounds of body weight. DMSO can be applied topically as well as given orally though I am not sure what amount of DMSO to use if given orally. It should be diluted at least 50% for topical use and perhaps more for oral adminstration. I have read that vets inject it at 10% concentration if you can find one that uses it. You can find out more if you do a Google search for "DMSO cats".