A Brief Overview?
Hi Guys:
So I put together a brief overview to give out to mostly friends I'm telling about iodine! (so I don't have to repeat it all)
Am I in the ballpark??? Or some gross errors??
Here 'tis:
What Many Don’t Know
About Iodine
Please note, I am not an M.D.! But this information has been very helpful to me so that I wanted to pass it along. Much of this information comes from the websites
as well as from the book
Iodine Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It by Dr. Brownstein. Also, I have listed some other sources at the end.
About Iodine
Iodine is essential for every cell in the body
Iodine deficiency is epidemic (according to Dr. Brownstein 94.7 % out of over 500 patients tested in his clinic were deficient)
Iodine is concentrated not only in the thyroid, but also in various other organs like the brain, spinal fluid, breasts, ovaries and prostate
The thyroid uses
Iodine not only to make hormones, but also to purify the blood which circulates through it
Iodine is antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral. Without
Iodine the body loses one of its key weapons against infection
Iodine, according to Dr. David Derry, is used by the cell to induce apoptosis. This is the cell death that should occur in cancerous cells
Iodine deficiency is being linked to the growth of cysts, these then can become painful and lead to tumors and cancer. This is the process in
Breast Cancer (fibrocystic breast disease, untreated leads to cancer), ovarian cancer and prostate cancer (www.breastcancerchoices.org)
Several doctors, led by Dr. Guy Abraham a researcher and retired teacher from the UCLA Medical School, are now using high doses of iodine (typically starting at 50 mg) to treat various forms of cancer (see
and for more research
under iodine research)
A lack of iodine can lead to imbalances in hormonal systems thus possibly affecting mood swings, anxiety, vitality, weight gain and on
A lack of iodine during pregnancy can cause severe headaches in the mother and learning disabilities in the child
Why are we deficient in iodine?
In the U.S. it used to be added to bread, but no longer.
It has been lost from industrially farmed soils and thus the food that comes from these.
Less people consume iodized salt and more people are on salt restricted diets
Toxic chemicals, especially the Halogens: Chlorine, Bromine and Fluorine will knock the iodine right out of the cell and take its place!
Bromine is everywhere: that new car smell; as a fire retardant in carpets, upholstery, etc.; in drinks as brominated vegetable oil including citrus flavored Gatorade, Mountain Dew, Squirt, etc.; in various medications; in hot tubs and on. Same for Fluorine including in toothpaste
Certain foods like soy and soybean oil can inhibit the uptake of iodine (they are called Goitrogens). Also, smoking will inhibit the uptake of iodine.
Chlorine is also everywhere. If you have been a swimmer in chlorinated pools and have ongoing illness, check your iodine.
The Solution?
Mainly get informed.
The Japanese consume an estimated 13.8 milligrams of iodine per day in seaweed and they have one of the lowest overall cancer rates in the world. Compare this to the U.S. where the Recommended Daily Allowance is 150 micrograms. Yes micrograms! Hundreds of times less.
Dr. Abraham recommends taking just as a maintenance dose 12.5 milligrams of iodine per day (something close to the Japanese). If you have developed health issues from iodine deficiency the dose is much higher just to get you up to par to the amount of iodine that you should have. Remember just daily living in the 21st Century will deplete you of iodine! And unless you plan on eating loads of seaweed you will have to supplement.
A traditional Endocrinologist will tell you that 12.5 milligrams of iodine per day will cause you all sorts of thyroid problems. This thinking is being contested by mainly Dr. Abraham, Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Flechas’ research. If anything they are claiming that the body (including the thyroid) needs these amounts. Again, there is the example of the Japanese and other island peoples that consume large amounts of seaweed.
Of course, check everything with your M.D.!
Treatment with iodine is called Orthoiodosupplementation and is relatively new. Though the list of M.D.s doing Orthoiodosupplementation seems to be growing there are still not enough (Dr. Brownstein’s clinic in Michigan is a six month wait to be seen).
There is a list of M.D.s and health practitioners addressing iodine at
and also at
I hope this info can be an aid to your long term health!
To Test:
There is a urine test which can be done to check or track your iodine levels (or also your bromine levels). You can get it through Dr. Flechas (which includes an evaluation from him) at
or from this lab
To Supplement:
An informative section under the Iodine Tab on how to supplement with iodine can be found at
including a section on an Iodine Protocol and an informative video as well.
Many people use Lugol’s and old fashion formulation in water. You can get at
The milligrams are:
Lugol’s 5% solution 1 drop is 6.25 milligrams
Lugol’s 2% solution 1 drop is 2.5 milligrams
Or there is Iodoral, which is Lugol’s in a tablet form. It comes in 12.5 mg and 50 mg tablets. You can get at iherb.
These formula’s combine potassium
Iodide (a salt, KI) and mineral iodine (which is I2)
Also, an old fashion formulation is pure potassium
Iodide in a saturated solution, known as Super Saturated Potassium
Iodide (
SSKI ) in water. You can get in various places including from “Trapper” at the Iodine Supplementation Curezone Forum VWT or from Dr. Wright’s Tahoma Clinic.
All of these can be mixed with water and taken orally or they can be directly applied to the skin for the body to absorb as much as it wants. The Lugol’s has a yellow stain which will go away after a few hours or can be wiped off by applying some vitamin C with a little bit of water and left to dry (but avoid getting it on clothes, it stains).
As with any kind of supplementation, start with very small amounts and build up!
Follow the guidelines at
which mention that a small amount of people might have an allergic reaction to iodine! Also, they mention that if you have ingested too much Bromine during your life you could experience a detox reaction as you go. The Salt Protocol at their website addresses this.
Most iodine formulations sold as an antiseptic in alcohol at pharmacies are not for oral consumption.
under Iodine Tab
Or Google: youtube Dr. Brownstein Dr. Mercola (there are three sections)
Or Google: youtube Dr. Flechas iodine cancer
Google: Dr. Wright Tahoma Iodine
Google: donald miller iodine for health
Google: joanne brophy iodine therapy
Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It; Dr. Brownstein
Breast Cancer and Iodine : How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer; Dr. David Derry, M.D.
Web sources:
The Iodine Supplementation VWT Team Forum at Curezone
The Yahoo Iodine Group