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Re: If You're a Christian You BETTER WATCH THIS!!! PLACEBO
chavey Views: 5,320
Published: 13 y
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Re: If You're a Christian You BETTER WATCH THIS!!! PLACEBO

trust, you say ....

{{{ I see that when one is in trouble his reaction goes into reflection and thoughts and not directly to action and solution. }}}

My friend, have you not done precisely that recently, when action was indeed necessary at that time and perhaps even now?

You are reaping what you have sown, yes?

It's not about saving oneSELF for thats the very reason this guy was told that he failed. It's about doing Gods will as it is written in the Bible.
Perhaps you are listening to the devils that we have been warned of, instead of the Word.

So controlling others is not the case as you assume, no, it's helping each other and ignoring completely the demons that tempt humans to sin, if not commit evil deeds himself.



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