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Thank You
I just wanna thank u for this wonderful site which gives hope to many who seek it.
I found out that I am HIV positive about two months ago and running to your site has been a blessing.I also tested positive for HPV-low risk(the kind that gives warts)with a very uncomfortable wart where no2 is suppose to happen.I am using Ozone Healing Gel but will be staring with another remedy that my Homoepath is putting on for the next 4months.I also suffer from IBS-terrible I know.
I am llooking forward to buying dr Clark's book and following her protocols as well as other natural remedies Ithat I have learnt.
So far I want to start by loosing weight as it has given me a lot of health problems in the past.Can green smoothies help me?I also want to do it in a healthy way that will help me strenghten my immune system.I am planning to do bouncing for exercise,walking with a friend of mine,and some dancing.
Right now all this information is overwhelming.There is so much help out there.I pray that many people run to it as I did.