Basic Survival Tips For Applying Alternative Treatments
Types of Therapies and guidelines
- Please allow me to be frank about this disease. Plain and simple you are stupid if you do not Combine alkaline with pro oxidant therapies. If you dance from one therapy to the next....that is not very good strategy
- Seek out active ingredients whenever possible and dose those upwards and push the limits of that dosing if they are tolerated well.
- IF you are taking a lot of supplements make a giant batch of tea and then drink the tea 3x per day. Many of your pills come in powder or liquid. This will improve absorbtion, make dosing easier and less of a headache.You wont have to take as many pills.
TO make the tea taste better you can add Stevia, cinnamon, clove oil. All oils should be activated with alkaline salt. Served warm you can dissolve a little coconut oil and that mixes well with the other spices, kicks up the tea a notch with absorbable fatty acids.
If you are juicing here are some guidelines.
- Juice must be consumed 4 times per day.
- Green Juice concentrate on Kale and Parley, Parsley, and more parsley. Adding cilantro, spinach, brocolli, asparagus, collard greens just fine. Sweeten with pear, mango, papaya, juice. Stevia ok.
- Must start with 4x per day all green juice for three days.
- If you are fasting you must increase this green juice to 6 to 8x per day everyday you fast.
Then add red or orange colored juice after three days of green juice only.
- Do not use carrots and please use Yams instead.
- Organic tomatoes, beets are important dont let the sugar in beets scare you off.
- You should, if fasting drink 8 large glasses of juice in place of water on the very first day,... it must be a water- fast for 24 hours...this will make your nutrients absorb so much better. You will slightly dehydrate first 24 hours
- On day two....start with two large glass of juice in the morning and wait for three hours.
- Then match amount of water intake to that of your juice. This means eight large glasses of liquids now becomes 16 glasses. Half being water, half being juice. This process starts at lunch after water fasting for 24 hours.
- If you are not fasting cut these dosings in half.
The chlorophyll in the green drinks will be absorbed and will detox. First 32 hours. The water will then rehydrate and then flush.
You can also use ESSIAC tea and soup it up a bit...again water fasting for 24 hours and drinking tea instead of water.
Other juicing or ESSIAC tips
If you exercise...drink your juice after your workout. If you sit in steam room or sauna, drink your juice or tea afterwards. Jacuzzi....drink your tea or juice aftewards. Always dehydrate.
Check your finger nails for capillary refill time. Press fingernail. The blanched pale color should resolve in about 1.5 seconds. If it is immediate color refill, then you did not dehydrate very much.
Remember if a diet is depressing then that can do as much harm as an unhealthy diet.
Brown rice pasta is great substitute for pasta. Garbonzo beans, other beans are perfect. FOR breads and toast try sprouted grains, buck wheat, hemp toast. Just avoid fried.
Dont be afraid of organic butter....yummmmy! Dont be afraid of fats. Even organic free range eggs are just fine.
If you have a sweet tooth try to compensate with stevia products, substituting fruits, fats like cheese, instead of sweets. Think of creamy but not sweet.
Dont rely on diet alone or juicing alone to beat your cancer.
Bret Peirce
American Cancer Advocates
Diet should be low glycemic diet. Organic Produce. If organic, eat a steak now and then to feel normal....really.