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Re: still hungry after 11 days of water fasting
chrisb1 Views: 7,089
Published: 13 y
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Re: still hungry after 11 days of water fasting

If you were genuinely hungry, then nothing but nothing would stop you from seeking nourishment, but the symptoms you describe are not hunger: the feeling of emptiness and the gnawing and the "all-gone-sensation" that many people experience on a fast are not hunger at all.............

"Neither the all-gone, faint feeling, nor the sensation of gnawing in the stomach, nor a feeling of emptiness, nor of weakness, nor a headache, nor any other morbid symptom is hunger. These are morbid sensations representing gastric irritation, a neurosis, gastric ulcer, indigestion, gastric catarrh, reaction from withdrawal of stimulation, etc., rather than hunger. That faint sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach, with a morbid "craving" for something to eat, is due to catarrhal inflammation of the lining membrane of the stomach".
"Dr. Susanah W. Dodds says: "The sense of all-goneness in these cases is not from a lack of nutrient material, but owing to the absence of the habitual stimulus."--The Diet Question, p. 87".
"Horace Fletcher says that the "mark of distinction" that differentiates real hunger from appetite is the "watering of the mouth for some particular thing." Appetite is indiscriminate and often finicky. "Natural hunger is never in a hurry," declares Carrington. Appetite is often in a big hurry".

Your experience of hunger is not unusual, but needs to be coped with during a fast for a successful outcome.



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