Absolutely as any of the public programs and just about anything mainstream. You hafta look as this issue on a grander scale that the vast majority of the country is either not well informed, not willing and on the lower economic strata they can't afford to eat well largely due to all the govt subsidies that make dead nutritional foods way cheaper than nutritionally dense wholesome unprocessed foods. As with big pharma there are the giants like Monsanto that have the deep pocket to spend billions on lobbying and to just outright buy the politicians.
So in short while I agree with you and you are correct in that perspective it does not relate to the bill whatsoever and to the >FACT< that women have been >discriminated< against in public healthcare and the healthcare insurance industry which is what the bill has addressed.
No one knows what the long term effect of this bill will be and as I stated in my other post below that in the very basic spectrum of a larger picture it is a move that is forcing the gov't to take a closer look just from the magnitude of it's game changing effect. Whether it's in the ideal format only time will tell but it is motion in the direction of "change and evolution".