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Cilantro, Chlorella, and Brain Function (Attn: Eric11)
Jerome99 Views: 5,820
Published: 13 y

Cilantro, Chlorella, and Brain Function (Attn: Eric11)

A little while back I posted about having reached a plateau on the Cutler protocol. Because I reached the plateau and felt generally pretty good compared to pre-chelation, I thought it would be safe to try cilantro and chlorella despite Andy Cutler's warnings not to touch them. So now I'm doing rounds with Herbapharm brand liquid cilantro and Now Foods chlorella.

Well, it has been only about three rounds of cilantro and chlorella (together with my usual ALA/DMSA). All I can say is, I believe my brain function is as good as it was before my mercury problems became noticeable. Maybe even better.

I am also taking gingko and nattokinase, to get more blood flow into the brain and hopefully reverse some of the damage that has been done over the last decade of mercury and lead poisoning.

As a sidenote, I had tried taking ginkgo a few years back, when I was still in law school and still mercury toxic (without realizing I was of course). Back then, ginkgo made me feel like mental death--most likely because the increased blood flow to my brain brought a ton of mercury in with it. I still can't believe I went through three years of law school and the bar exam with enough mercury and lead in me to take down a horse.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank Eric11 for mentioning that cilantro was what really helped you turn the corner. While I still have some physical aches and pains, mentally I feel like a million bucks. My attention span, reading comprehension, short term memory--everything improved night and day since starting cilantro, just like you said.


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