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Re: Worm in back or liver-deeply annoying
blueciel Views: 2,796
Published: 13 y
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Re: Worm in back or liver-deeply annoying

I do believe that rife is the way to go. I'll keep using frequencies until worms stop making their nest in my liver. This one is particularly stubborn and will take a lot more time but I'm determined to get rid of it.
Worms are drawn to the liver because that's where we store toxins and metals. I'll keep chelating until metals are no longer an issue. I also hope that this worm will lose its metals and be more vulnerable to frequencies.

Peppermints, if you don't have a frequency generator you can try Barefoot's Dewormer, the Adult version. It's like dynamite, it carpet bombs everything in your innards, but you'll have to take at least double the recommended dose. I killed a huge worm earlier this year that probably was a tape because it made me sick for a month. I don't want to repeat the experience but if i get desperate i'll order that dewormer again. It also gets rid of worms in the liver but they'll keep going in there again until you've chelated all your heavy metals.
The problem with killing large worms without frequencies is that you'll have their entourage run wild inside you. All the bacteria and viruses will mess you up even more if you don't kill them. Then again, the dewormer may take care of them too.


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