Natural News | June 26 2012
Natural News ~ This is the claim of Dr. Kerry Crofton, PhD. She goes on to say, “We don’t have to give up all electronic devices, but we do need to use them differently. First, we need to understand that the government standards we assume are protecting us are thousands of times too lenient, and there are biological effects from these ‘safe’ levels.” The effects of these exposures are particularly an issue for concern for our children.
Some of these effects are thought to include:
• Unexplained headaches/nosebleeds
• Autism
• Insomnia
• Nausea/dizziness
• Anxiousness/ heart palpitations/other ‘unexplained’ cardiac symptoms
• Ringing ears
• Immune suppression
• Electro-sensitivity
• Children’s leukemia
• An increased risk for brain cancer/neurological disorders
Children are at a greater disadvantage than adults due to thinner skulls, smaller brains, and the potential of long-term exposure. The effects for children expand to include retarded learning and performance impairment.
David Carpenter, MD, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, School of Public Health, University of Albany, New York, believes, along with many other public health experts, the current scientific evidence shows there will be widespread cancers ahead as a consequence of using cell phones and WiFi without any restrictions.
Unnecessary Exposure
The Northside Independent School District in Texas is on the verge of utilizing a radio frequency ID system in two of its schools. This is another source of electromagnetic radiation exposure for children as this system emits dangerous radio waves. The hope is to implement the strategy to track kids at all of the district’s 112 campuses covering approximately 100,000 youth.
Defibrillators in high schools?
Every school in Toronto has this equipment on the premises ready and waiting to use for life threatening cardiac events. Teenagers having heart attacks is not the norm nor should be accepted as such in the future. The focus needs to be on why there are defibrillators in high schools in the first place.
The Stewart Report from the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones (IEGMP) offers some insight. The group warns that children’s bodies absorb more electromagnetic energy from outside sources than adults. “A 5-year-old will absorb around 60 percent more than an adult.”
Children are being increasingly exposed to chronic levels of electromagnetic exposure through the consistent and more importantly, long-term use of cell phones and WiFi in school and at home. These exposures are cumulative with the most harmful consequences manifesting years or even decades later. There is enough evidence to strongly suggest these exposures may stimulate changes in cell function which can lead to breaks in DNA and chromosomal abnormalities, the deterioration of neurons in the brain, increased free radical production, and early aging, as well as affect how the brain operates overall.
Viable options to protect children include:
- Wired alternatives
- Texting
- Headsets
- Limiting exposure with timed sessions
- Helping them develop interests outside technology
- Reducing use
The fact that today’s children are facing even more health concerns than current generations as a result of consistent, long-term exposure to electromagnetic waves calls for the scientific community and the government policy makers to step up. Children’s exposure to electromagnetic waves must become a top priority. Industry needs to be regulated and limits established in order to protect children now and in the future.