Story of Jesus
I do like Courtney Brown's version of what actually happen with Jesus around the time of his supposed crucifixion (has a better dramatic sense). His findings somewhat corroborates with what Chris Thomas has found in his research of the Akashic.
"The story of the crucifixion is another one which many have further misinterpretation of how the story of the events has been written. There are two schools of thought on the actual events of the time. The first is that the 'sponge filled with vinegar' given to Jesus also contained a combination of herbs which could induce a state resembling death. All 'medicines', herbal remedies, of the time were preserved in vinegar. The second is that Jesus was not crucified at all but his place on the cross was taken by Simon the Cyrene. In reality, a huge subterfuge was enacted which put Jesus on to the cross but allowed him to be taken down very much alive. The important aspect of the story is that Jesus did not die on the cross and accurately place him in various locations at dates following his claimed death on the cross.
"One thing was certain, Jesus could not remain in Palestine. The knowledge of his survival soon became common knowledge and he was pursued by both the priests and the Romans. From this point, Jesus began his travels to many other lands and spread the ideals and knowledge he held to many people.
"In the meantime, his brother John took on the role of protector of Jesus' wife [Mary Magdalene] and son, as well as spreading the teachings of The Tables of Testimony. In these two roles, he traveled to Marseilles in Southern France in the year AD 35 abd established a place where he could bring Mary Magdalene and here son Jesus. The following year, this is what occurred and Mary (now pregnant again), son Jesus and John (Joseph of Arimathea) moved to Southern France.
"They landed at Marseilles but moved fairly quickly to the region around the Pyrenees and eventually to Carcassonne. Mary Magdalene became a part of the local Jewish community and continued her life much as she had lived it within the community at Qumran and John took to spreading the teachings of the Tables of Testimony as interpreted by Jesus the Christ. Jesus, after several years of journeying and teaching also came to Carcassonne and fathered a second daughter."
Plant Earth: The Universe's Experiment by Chris Thomas, pages 128-129, (2003).