13 y
Re: Comment Continued
God is male and female.
Women were the last ones standing, wittnessing, the crucifixtion of Christ
And women were the first ones to see Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead.
Luther, Calvin, Zwigli and others started the Reformation after a few chauvanistic popes created heretical doctrine regarding women.
The church like any other good organization must be on the watch and alert to crooks who infiltrate the church and try to corrupt the messages.
The devil knows and quotes scripture, that does not make the devil good.
Matt 7:15-16 Beware of false prophets who come to you dressed in sheeps clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves 16 You will know them by their fruits.
No fruits = No good
Rotten Fruits = Fermented, alcohol, producers of evil = No good.
Good Fruits = Bounty, abundance, harvest, many blessings, produce is good = Good.