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Good and bad advice
Tony Isaacs Views: 2,379
Published: 13 y
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Good and bad advice

My reaction is "some good advice and some bad":  For example:

1. Avoidance of direct exposure to sunlight is purely bad advice, as sunlight exposure DECREASES the risk of cancer.  Certainly one should avoid excess exposure, but such blanket advice is horrible!

2. Minimal meat consumption - while I agree that meat consumption should be kept to reasonable amounts and minimalized or even eliminated while actually fighting cancer, it is the KIND OF MEAT one consumes which is important.  There is a world of difference, for example, betwee free range organic red meat and feedlot type red meat which may have been exposed to herbicides and pesticides as well as laced with growth hormones and antibiotics.

3. Use of vaccinations - OMG! Vaccinations are full of mutagenic items and are themselves the likely cause of many cancers.

4. Regular check-ups - well, that certainly does cater to the maim-stream medical industry and might be good advice, depending on what happens during the checkups.  Do those regular check-ups include cancer-causing mammograms or other X-rays?  Or do they result in the prescription of unnatural mainstream medical compounds which cause the body to behave unnaturally and may result in cancer?

I certainly do agree that cancer is preventable - perhaps up to 90 percent preventable or more if a person really dedicates themselves to proper diet, nutrition, lifestyle, sunshine, clean water, stress management, etc. - but not nearly so much preventable is advice such as the above items are followed.



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