any thoughts
hi all...any thoughts on this scenario:
i've got a tight throat thingy going on recently ( 2 weeks) i can swallow just nodules fact in recent months it seems like the adams apple area has been more flexible...when i had more overt hypo stuff a few years back it was as if the adams apple and thyroid area below were kinda sticky or ossified is the best way i can describe it (perhaps i had goitre going on under there) that pattern recntly changed for the better and it seemed good....but now the tight i shifting to a hyper T scenario...well i don;t know but i love trying to fix it and figure what works
any how
Iodine as iodoral most days....some days 25 mg or more... ( been at this level of
Iodine for about 2 years now.)
sometimes i do some atomidine ( low dose)....stopped Iosol last year
ATP cofactors 1 a day, most days ( thats a recent addition, 1 month)
selenium between 60-300 mg ( as methyl for the last few weeks...sorry ran out se-methionine ( keep forgettin to replace it and thus using the methyl SE)
vitamin c ...1-20 grams (varies)
salt...yes thank you
episodic use thyroid related and herbs
here are few
thyroid glandular
...perhaps i cranked up my TSH or T4/T3 conversion
i'm assuming it's transient...
i'd like to just tamp down the throat symptom a bit...i'm thinking:
-lower the
Iodine and atp cofactors to lower, pulsed, titrated doses based on symptom
- stay a way from ashwagandha guggul etc.
- get some selnomethionine
-i'd love to hear any thoughts on the glandular and or tyrosine