fuzzy headed after SPECT scan
yesterday i had a brain imaging procedure called spect.
supposedly there are no side effects, but i immediately
felt when they injected me that my brain was on lidocaine.
also i had muscle twitches in my feet and legs.
on the way home, i felt more and more stupified.
today, i have been forgetting to lock/unlock door,
i almost forgot to eat. i feel weird.
i wonder if i might have reactions to the pre and post
injections ... they gave me a "saline" injection that was red colored, and the nuclear injection was preceeded and followed by "saline" although as I was in the dark, alone and told
to not open my eyes, I really have no idea what they gave me.
Seems like we need medical advocates... in the least. Let's face it, car mechanics, hair dressers, children and yes, even health care workers, can be irked and take it out on someone... its human nature.
I just hope this is temporary.
The scan was done at California Pacific Medical Center. It was a weird place. They incorrectly filled in my form, and for my medical drug history, they said none, and in fact this past year i have been on a lot of meds. Very
strange place. By the time they kept pushing forms at
me, 3 of them, and 2 people asking me questions about the
forms simultaneously, almost like they were intentionally trying to confuse me... I ended up putting down I weighed 5
pounds instead of being 5 foot 5. No wonder the medical system is in trouble...
I bet this scan cost at least a grand. Where to go to with this complaint? This story? I bet its being repeated all over the country. OYE VEY!!