Personal Vegetarian Principles
Principles on why I am Vegetarian
1. To support other people who are vegetarian
2. Because selecting food that does not have meat, gives me a feeling of helping avoid the exploitation of animals, raised in unnatural conditions, to serve humans. If people eat less meat, there would be fewer cattle and other animals being raised in exploitive condtions, for the convenience of humans.
3. Because I feel that I am serving a greater good, by selecting to eat other foods, and avoid meat, it bothers me if people make fun of me for being vegetarian. I then feel I need to defend all the vegetarians of the world.
4. RIGHTS OF OTHERS TO EAT MEAT: I respect the rights of others to eat meat, and I try to avoid making derisive or sarcastic remarks about any ironic aspects of eating meat. In return, I expect people who choose to eat meat, to avoid derisive jokes about vegetarians.
5. BYPRODUCTS: Milk and Cheese are derived from dairy cows, which are kept in unnatural settings. The less milk, cheese and butter consumed by people, the fewer dairy cows that will be kept in penned-up conditions
6. EGGS: Egg laying hens are often kept in cages and fed diets that are designed for egg production. The less eggs people eat, the less egg-laying hens will be kept in cages.
7. FISH: The less fish people eat, the more fish populations will be returned to their natural population levels.