Re: There was nothing for me. It was just empty.
Hi, I haven't had an NDE but have a great fear of death and have, thus, studied them extensively. Sounds to me like you didn't go far enough to have had a bonafide NDE? Maybe it's presumptuous for me to say that. The fact that it was attempted suicide may have something to do with it. I have read accounts of those with distressing NDE's as a result of suicide.
Guess yours wouldn't be classified as distressing, even tho you seem "distressed" by it. Many great spiritual beings have temporarily experienced the throes of torment from the "other side." That doesn't mean they are eternally damned or branded for eternity. Jesus himself, in the Apostles Creed "descended into Hell." Supposedly Martin Luther had similar traumatic visions and experiences during his lifetime.
Have you read Howard Storm's account? He had perhaps the most distressing NDE ever, literally torn apart limb from limb by demonic beings but was saved from it, and now is eternally at peace with it. I might start with his.
I hope some of this could be of comfort to you.
AUstin TX