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Re: Diet, Some Evidence
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Re: Diet, Some Evidence

Dermatologists were getting on my nerves always saying it had to be an allergy. Now, I am starting to see that maybe that is all it is. I saw another dermatologist today to burn off my fordyce spots. Surprisingly, he said EVERYONE HAS FORDYCE SPOTS ON LIPS, but some people have more prominent ones than others. Then, I asked why my skin was raw just where I had fordyce spots. He said cheilitis from food or chemical allergies can cause raw and dry lips. Because the skin is raw, you can see the fordyce spots more. I also requested a prescription for that yeast mouth wash, but he said I had no signs of yeast in my mouth- that it was normal for everyone to get white film on tongue and to brush tongue everyday because it builds up.

He asked me if I ever had allergy patch testing. I said yes and told him which foods I was allergic to. He concluded that I did not have patch testing since I had the food testing. I guess you get immediate reactions with food allergies , but delayed reactions with chemical testing. He suggested I have a chemical patch test, which I wear patches over chemicals on my back for 2 days, then have it checked at 2 days with a follow-up visit 1 week later. The hard part about is I can't take a shower or get my back wet for 1 week! As with food testing, it only tests the common chemicals people use. People use so many different chemicals everyday, though. But it could be a chemical in a soap you use to wash your hands or body, a shampoo, makeup or moisturizer that you put on others areas besides your lips, etc.

My past food tests included:
cow milk
tuna fish
crab mix

I want a food test for red meat. There are so many other foods I eat besides the ones I was tested for above. I do have allergies so this could be very be an allergic reaction to something I use on a daily basis.


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