I have a quick question. A few weeks ago I had burning pee that came and went. I had it, went away, then came back, then went away again. I didnt think anything of it, just thought perhaps it was part of AF. Well, the past few days I have noticed that my urine in the morning and at times in the afternoon comes out and foams up. Not a lot but enough to have me worried. There was a time when I took the alpha blockers where my urine in the morning was very concentrated and on the dark dark yellow side. Since I've stopped the medication about a week and half ago this has gone away.
My question is, could my kidney's be screwed up? or my liver? Or could this be part of an untreated infection? What about simple dehydration? Could this be it too?
I'm getting really worried that taking all these supplements and meds has taken its tool on my body but at the sametime I know people who take heaps and heaps of meds with no issues.