Re: HA!
Everyone can live their own life the way they choose, but Nature hands out some heavy penilties when your dealing with sex and children issues and the Bible was not kidding when the anceints wrote you are as bad off as having a mill stome around your neck and being on the bottom of the ocean. In Nature you see no wrong sex, so it is a JOICE only humans have and we humans make the wrong choices most every day of our lives. You have a world that has been killing the slaves since the 4th century by the billions and in the last 90 years they have chose to use chemicals and less blood shed, these chemicals have altered the humans into less than natural beings and all the races are suffering greatly. Hotema states that the orginal human was male/female and laid an egg. The first defective human was a male and when one mated with a male/female for the first time, the human race was cursed from above and thus the Adam and Eve story was created. Then you have male/male and female/female in-betweens. Hundreds of thousands of male/females are born yearly and the MD operates on them at birth and makes them one or the other, Hotema explains they can not be stopped, their cycle is returning and they will rule the earth once again someday.
No matter what the facts or religions may believe, if a mammal choses to not mate or chooses to have no offspring, the human body will fail prematurely and those that use drugs and operations to avoid children their hearts will fail according to Hal Huggins book, it all in your head. I don't care how a person chooses to live, as long as they keep it to them selves.