**I know I've said this before and no one is listening, still clinging to the lie of the past slave-system in ALL forms.**
Waa? What makes u tink no ones a listenin? We didn't make it to trappers forum by being inperceptive...although duality does ruuun deeep.
***The only way they can survive is to keep us angry and in FEAR most of all.
Evil entities feed off of human low frequency emotion. Can anyone see this? *sigh* I'm so tired of being the only one who can literally see this - make it stop. :-(***
Tis not exactly a new concept. And i have heard of other people who actually visually percieve it as well, and others who have temporarily witnessed via entheogenic exploration, particularly ayahuasca. You're not alone, keep looking. And remember, you cannot grow without being resisted and opposed...hate to be cliche, but u know how it is..stay strong...stay alert and relaxed...or one could just correct the body/brain functionality problems and that happens automatically..