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Experience Log: The witching hours
MatrixAnomaly Views: 1,904
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Experience Log: The witching hours

***oh yes, my belief system has been torn down, put up again and demolished since i got here... but i do believe things happen deep in the night that have caused me to jump up straight and clutch my heart.
just saying
i do belief.***

I like to joke around and say that i don't even friggin have a paradigm there just has not been enough time for one to settle down again:)

One night, during the late 'witching' hrs, in order to fall asleep, SWIM borrowed a neighbors seroquel, and ended up taking a full 200mg dose, while also running the 15333.333 in the background. Acording to swim, while being in that middle ground of barely awake and barely asleep...he noticed the sound of a steady slow breathing not far from his ear. But SWIM was so relaxed and dummed-down from the seroquel overdose that keeping a calm rationale came natural.

"more evidence for the paranormal or hullucinations" thought SWIM. "Either way i need to get to sleep"

Then SWIM remembers waking up rather suddenly, adrenaline quickly offsetting the seroquel...there was little doubt in his instict...somebody was in his room. It seemed to wake him up with more sounds to the ear, and SWIM was under the impression that it was then located in his bathroom...with the decent sized mirror. But he is greeted by nothing when the door is opened. Adrenaline fading and seroquel kicking back in he goes to sleep, to tired to give it much thought.

Was not the first time SWIM had abnormal experiences in the wee hrs after midnight. Just the first time he actually thought someone in the flesh was in his room. And in hindsight, the other times seemed to revolve around abnormal, hairy circumstances as well, like:

-having jogged in a very large extensive, normally fenced sematary for the first and only time during the daylight hrs
-experimenting w/having large crystals next to his bed while sleeping
-First nights w/orgone pyramids and the like close while sleeping
-experimenting w/"demon" protection prayers


last night, around 3:00am, no seroquil involved, SWIM once again felt like he was not alone. He didn't hear anything, just seemed to FEEL something...a disturbance...a 'darkness'...a presence. This time, using the emotion-based 'force' came naturally and SWIM's seeming hallucination faded promptly.

Hmmm, i wonder were children's deep fear of the dark comes from. Could just be a deep rooted nocturnal predator instinct/fear, but then again why do they often voice of there being 'monsters', they are scared of the monsters.

"mommy daddy there are monsters in the closet and under the bed and in the mirror"...hmmm...guess it could just be programming from the movies..but then were does the ideas for the movies come from..

I wonder how healthy their pineal activity is at that age..


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