here is the question I was answering
Saw this on a forum somewhere, where a soul expressed personal displeasure:
"What I don't like is the fact that people are pushing a toxic compound, Lugol's iodine..... "
I got somethin for ya all. I'm inviting anyone to provide evidence that Lugol's Iodine has ever killed any person, or is "toxic"
My request for info includes the miniscule few hypocritcal maroons existent who insist upon being provided evidence from others over any claim they assert, but when queried to provide evidence of their own flambuoyant bombastic claims, fail to do so and instead insist that they're being victimized.
I can't see where Iodine has ever harmed anyone in almost 200 years, but my mind remains open.
Till ya provide me with hard evidence to the contrary, I'll continue in my belief, like thousands before me, that Lugol's iodine, is essentially non-toxic.
It can be found here:
Don't you think the answer was relevant to the question?
The question is allowed, but the answer is not.
If the answer is not allowed in this forum, why is the question?