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Re: Trying to make sense of what healing/”cure” claims have in common (Long post)
danielxmiller Views: 7,966
Published: 13 y
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Re: Trying to make sense of what healing/”cure” claims have in common (Long post)

I'm sorry, but did you even look at my pictures at all? I don't claim to be completely healed, only that it is slowly happening and my blog clearly indicates that I am seeing slow consistent improvement each time the peel comes off...if you honestly can't tell from one picture to the next then put two pictures side by side and the difference is undeniable...I never said instant results...and if I honestly wasn't making any progress I can assure you I wouldn't be continuing to live looking like this. :) But I understand why you would be doubtful since it is taking a very long time, so if you would like to wait until I'm finished that's perfectly fine, I just put my blog live so everyone could watch me do it, and join if they want, but to say I'm not making any progress at all is completely innacurate and I encourage you to click the photos full size and compare each week and if you still don't see any progress then sorry but don't know what to tell ya.


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