Hello, this is my second time doing a juice fast. The first time I had enormous success, I lost 11 lbs in my 8 days, and hardly any muscle loss. Since then, I gained about half of it back (water weight and I think) and I'm trying to lose again. I still have a BMI of about 22, and fat percent of about 24%. I am female, 20 yrs old. I am on day 6 of my second juice fast, and let me tell you, NO fat loss. I have lost a ton of muscle definition, and seriously I'm still at the same amount of fat. In fact, I think my fat is MORE. I can't think at all what I'm doing wrong, except that I wake up a lot earlier, I've been doing more coffee enemas, and I've incorporated more fruits into my fast. I'm still walking about 2 miles every day, but my stress level is much higher. I'm worried, I don't want to completely kill my metabolism so what can I do to improve?