Ill try keep this as brief as possible.I dont like going on this forum anymore because it makes me depressed. But I promised myself I would post this to try to help someone.
Hibiclens cured my
Body Odor (I discovered it through this forum.)This came as a complete shock because I was positive that my odor was cause internally by my digestive system. Let me give you a little history. My odor started when I was 14. My odor was usually described as smelling like "hot a$$" or "farts". What made me positive it was a digestive problem was this: I've had stomach problems since I was 11. From about 11-18 years old I had extremely bad pain stomach pain on and off. Last year I finally got an EGD done and they found I had an ulcer, h-pylori, gastritis and a hernia. They treated my ulcer and h-pylori. My odor never stopped. I tried many supplements, oregano oil, acidophilus, etc. I even fasted completely from food for about 4 days and it made no difference. Another thing that made believe it was internal was that my tongue is white,I would get chronic yeast infetions(im a male), and many other things. Another thing that made my cure shocking was that I had tried showering with MANY antiseptic liquids before , jock itch anti fungal soap, betadine(this is the only one that SLIGHTLY worked), antiseptic soap, etc. So anyway this cure completely shattered my previous assumptions about my odor.
I suggest you all try hibiclens to seen if it can help you. If you want to try it here are the instructions:
1. At the end of your shower completely rinse all the soap and shampoo off your body.
2. Turn off the water and scrub hibiclens(a good amount) on your body.(focusing on the important areas areas : armpit, groin, butt, and feet.)
3. Let it sit for a minute, then briefly rinse it off(just let the water wash it way, no more than 10 sec)
4.get out and PAT!! yourself dry with a freshly washed towel and put on fresh clothes.
These are just first time instructions, if it works you can switch up the routine a little (use less hibiclens, dry yourself better, etc.) Also if it does work for you, I suggest you try buying a gallon of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution from amazon(only 13$), its much cheaper than hibiclens and most people are saying its the same thing(Im going to start using it once my bottle of hibiclens runs out.)
PS. Can we make a thread that lists all the things that people have said CURED there BO. When I say cured I mean cured(not "oh i think this is helping" or "I suggest you take this i heard it helps.")