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Illoceal Valve Syndrome still have it after a few months!
goshujin Views: 2,926
Published: 13 y

Illoceal Valve Syndrome still have it after a few months!

Hi guys,

I still have illoceal valve syndrome it seems
after eating food my lower right area near the pelvic bone rumbles.
I get associated symptoms such as pain in chest , nausea sometimes depending on foods etc..

There is a list of official chiropractors but unfortunately the 4 chriropractors in my area of Japan did not know about illoceal valve syndrome..
I went to a unofficial one who said they knew about the problem and he did some kind of massaging and said he fixed it but he didnt. Also he didnt really focus on it that much and it definitely didnt hurt when he touched the lower right area (which is what people say happens when the valve gets adjusted).
Therefore i think this particular chiropractor does not really know it.

I try massaging the area but cannot find the exact spot!
I presume that spot needs to be fixed by a chiropractor before i start massaging it?

Regret the Liver Flush because of this ...


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