“Did two jokers in England do all the Crop Circles”?
This Awareness indicates that often there would be crop circles appearing in many different places at the same time, hundreds of miles apart, in England. How did these entities get to all those places at once? There have been crop circles all around the globe. How do these entities get to all of these places at once? Sometimes, simultaneous crop circles, the same night, appearing the next morning in multiple places around the globe, which would require that these entities go from one place to another during the night to create their designs, if they indeed claim that they are the cause of all of these crop circles.
This Awareness indicates that these entities may have created a few designs, but they are not able to claim that they have created all of the designs. This Awareness indicates that anyone can claim anything, but to offer the evidence would be impossible, for the entities forget that there are records of these circles appearing in China, in Europe, in England, in America, and all around the globe.
This Awareness indicates it appears there is a residual energy from the
placement of the craft and that there is also some field of radiation
that birds are sensitive to. This Awareness indicates it does not appear
that the radiation is particularly harmful; it appears rather that it is
simply a kind of mild radiation and electromagnetic energy, a kind of
energy unique to these circles, not quite like anything known to man.
It is possible that some of this can be detected by instruments, if the right instruments are used.