Do Aliens literally walk through walls--HOW EXACTLY DOES IT WORK?
This Awareness indicates it creates a field around the entity
which makes the matter lose its density. It is as though matter is
created by atoms in molecular structure, held together by a spatial
force. If you were to look at matter with a high enough microscope
you would see there is more space than substance, yet there is a
force surrounding these particles that tends to bind them together,
holding them in place so that even though they are scattered apart
with great space between them, this would be equivalent, for example,
to a small ball on a football field, the substance of equating to the
space, and the actual substance of the atom being the size of a
football; that is the way atoms would appear if viewed with a
powerful enough microscope, and the question may be: `How can these
things be held together?'
It is that force that resides in the space and not the matter
that holds things together, and the aliens' pack is able to overcome
that force, is able to defuse that force, so that the atoms of the
body and the atoms of the wall actually pass through each other, just
as if there were no force between the spaces. It is likened unto
sand going through a screen. If the sand is small enough and the
screen's holes are large enough, the sand can pass through, but if
that sand is made into a ball held together by glue, and it is
placed on a screen, it can't pass through, especially if the glue has
been spread onto the screen. The glue is the force that resides
between the particles that make up the atom.
This Awareness indicates the aliens have the technology to leave
the particles intact, but to diminish the glue that holds the objects
as solid, and this is done through the use of vibration, the raising
of certain vibrations just high enough to overcome that frequency of
the force, the glue force.