Re: James a question.....
Excellent nutrition, immune modulating herbs and adaptogens, and isolation if necessary for a while during outbreaks would not be doing "nothing". Like you said life is a risk no matter how you decide to live it, but it shouldn't be decided for you.EDIT: I also rely heavily on homeopathy
The internal damage from vaccines aside from the immediate ones (like death and autism) are often a little delayed, or a lot delayed. My son is an example. He did get a few
vaccinations as a kid NOTHING like they give now. Then when he went to college--unbeknownst to me beforehand--he got a series of hepatitis vaccines and meningitis. Since then he has developed major
Psoriasis to the point where even I (who am scared to death of drugs) conceded it was his only shot at a normal life. He had tried everything.
It only started after these vaccinations.He tests positive for hepatitis so he can't donate blood, which he always had done.
I know its a weak correlation, but I can't figure it out. He also feels like he has the flu. He just powers thru it all. He prefers a paleo diet but isn't strict. He's gone gluten free--didn't help. He used homeopathic hcg--it was a miracle, but then it quit working. Do either of you have any experience with this?