Re: Genetically modified Frankenstein food!
same with the fish
great britian with it's stinkpot polluting needle factories stinks up the waters off it's coastline in europe killing the fish of europe
and with the codfish, italian fishing boats illegally troll the waters and overfish out of season all the preganant mother cod depleting next years population of cod, destroying the cod population. they over fish the cod for short term gain and end up with no cod the next year or for years after due to destroyed ecosystem and overfishing the pregnant cod mothers out of season.
They are idiots, greedy degenerate retred short sighted grasping NON THINKING stuupid idiots. Add moral retardation and amoral breeding practices,(say hi to all the deadbeat dads, more then 62 million deadbeat dads in USA, who rob thier own and others babies of milk and cookies and abandon them to die of exposure). You want sane eco behavior from sickie scum like that? That is called amoral pond scum, it is the behavior of rabid sick animals. Only a sick rabid male dog attacks a female dog or attacks its own young or others young.
They bite and abuse the very hand of nature that feeds them. They eat thier own young, you want intelligence from human looking animals that abandon and, or eat thier own young? They devower thier own young and devower thier mates and eat each other. You want intelligence from self and other destructive idots like that???
clinical definition of an idiot: one who does not comprehend or recognize commonly known, commonly understood individual and group dangers.
maritime boats with guns have been put to coatlines at sea to stop these idiot cod farmers from depleting and destroying the cod population. No one can stop great britian and her stinking needle factories that foul the waters of europe killing the fish.
the Japanese usually run thier businesses with 100 year plans, the average biz man looks only to next weeks gain or next quarters gain, at any cost to others lives, the environment or the future.
These idots can not see a week past thier own noses. They are as educable and containable as pigs snouting thier noses in the mud searching for truffles.
Try telling one of them about sustainable agriculture or breatharianism. Better to try and educate a drooling, ill, retred monkey with no I.Q., you will get better results.
the ancient aztec civilization perished because they urinated and deficated and added thier waste to thier drinking water, how's that for retred irrigation?
MH says man is set to die at 40 these days. I wonder, maybe that is best, less damage a greedy idiot can do in 40 years then 80 years being a foolish selfish greedy gluttonous self seeking uneducable retred idiot that damages self and others and the environment for short term gain and overpriced ostentatious garish grotesque obscene flashy grossly ornated show and obscene greed.
They do not think. They have no ability to THINK. The THINKING faculty degenerated centuries ago or was never present. "Sharing" is a missing concept in thier limited nearly non existant consciousness. Sticking ones snout in the mud to ferret truffles is NOT considered a THINKING ability. That sums up the level of social and environmental consciousness and planning ability you are dealing with, pigs snouting for truffles in the mud. BTW- Do not make the mistake of thinking this scum does not know they are destructive. The one thing they will tell you about, "in great detail" is how they can corrupt, exploit, brainwash & mind control little children if they can just get access to, or influence, early on enough to damage other peoples little
children for thier own twisted vile selfish reasons. "Cunning" LOWER then pigs or hyenia's that walk on 2 legs is what your dealing with in frankenfood creators, polluters and brain dead discordians who create chaos by misusing, polluting, destroying and exploiting thier own children, other peoples little children, themselves, each other and any of earths natural resources they can get thier grubby mitts on, to misuse.
Jasmuheen at has some solutions. I frankly do not know why she even bothers educating as most are "too far gone" to to live decently and evolve individual and social consciousness. Look at most peoples life footprints and you see each human leaves a bigger and bigger trail of gross excess waste, garbage, harm injury and destruction alongside the life path of thier footprints.