As a good urologist told me many years ago - the healthiest thing you can do
for a prostate gland is to empty it - often. You do that through
ejaculation. Yes, if you ejaculate once and then again within the next
half hour to an hour there will be more seminal fluid in your ejaculate.
Arousal creates more seminal fluid - not sperm, the fluid. (Sperm accounts for
less than 1% of the fluid in the prostate.) A woman's arousal creates
lubricant, a man's creates seminal fluid. The prostate is only one piece and it
may look like two because the pictures show it wrapped around the urethra which
goes straight through it.
Your prostate wraps entirely around your urethra and as long as you can pee
without hindrance there is nothing blocking your flow of semen. A massage
from the anterior is simply a different method of arousal and provides no
greater release of semen than a good old fashioned orgasm.