Dyshidrosis and another question
Hi Hv.
What can be done about dyshidrosis?
Another question; my doc repeats me every time I go to him that most of my probs are related to the nervous system.
An imbalance between parasympathic and orthosympathic systems. He prescribed me L-Tyrosine.
He says that I'm "a very vagal person", because sometimes, I only put something in my mouth (doesn't matter what, liquid of food), and I need to go to the toilet, diarrhea, + dyzziness, headaches,...
I also have pain in the neck and the back of the head if I'm talking during eating, + flushing etc. He says that all this are symptoms of nervous system problems, and an overstimulation of the vagus nerve. I also read that in ppl with gut issues, the production of T-Cells is altered, and this could lead to a bad anti-inflammatory response. When the vagus nerve is stimulated, healthy ppl experience an anti-inflammatory response, but the ppl with gut issues don't, and it is even pro-inflammatory.
What can I do about this?
Thank you.