One piece of my Mark Starr visit....
That was good Trap!!!!
It has been a busy week and working late
After he did some intake the first thing he focused on was my teeth.
He used a radioshack multimeter and measured the voltage on my crown. He said if all was well it should be 20mV
my crown was 80mV.
he was very interested in the possibility of cavitations from my wisdom teeth removal. I had all four done about 23 years ago. So he measured the last teeth, or the furthest back teeth and they measured 240mV. He then muscle tested all four and found one was a level 1 and two were a level three. He thinks he might be able to treat the level 1 with topical stuff. He is not sure about the other two.
A bit unnverving to think I might have infection festering for 23 years in my mouth!!!
I liked him. He is quite normal, no big ego and he has had to deal with a lot of health issues himself, so there is a lot of humility there.
I will write more soon......