Re: chest X-ray, pulmonary function test
It's a 90 year old, poorly maintained building. There was black mold in the AC before they finally changed it a few months ago. Large amount of rot under the window sills. 18 month HEPA filters only lasted 2 months. Huge amount of dust in AC filter. Management says no safety concerns can be proven.
A couple of q-tips full of "stuff" to pro lab showed penicillium, acremonium, nigraspora, cladiosporum, bipolaris, yeast, and trichoderma. I took another sample a couple of weeks ago and am waiting for results.
I've been there 8 years, and for the past 5 years I've had more and more health problems. Out of 12 people, 4 are having lung issues. Only 1 other has been tested, but the other 2 have started to use inhalers. I encouraged them all to get tested but I think they are afraid to lose their jobs if they complain.
I'm hoping I don't have permanent lung damage. . .