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Re: How to know whether you are feeding the candida or not?
tjraije Views: 1,102
Published: 13 y
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Re: How to know whether you are feeding the candida or not?

Candida will always be fed by something. It will never go away. Get this simple thought ingrained in your head and you should be okay.

It's all about shifting your diet to less allergens. Keeping your flora populated, avoiding Antibiotics , drinking enough water, getting enough fiber, doing rounds of antifungals..

Everything has to become a lifestyle change, not just a 2 month power diet.

And keep in mind, Candida is not the only offender. You know average healthy people also have gut issues from time to time. There are many factors..many bugs and viruses and pesticides on food, etc.

If you want the best results, you need to think of the best possible choices. Of course we all feel deprived, so we start venturing out of our safe zone and we try to incorporate other foods, but we must be asking for the punishment because deep down we know better....
but we're human, we slip

We get bored and we crave

The hardest part is finding ongoing balance. The answer to this is going to be in yourself. A lifestyle where you don't feel deprived, but one that maintains your good health.

And unfortunately this, like any good original recipe, takes some time to figure out.


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