I used the Mirena IUD for 4 years and each year the yeast infections worsened. By the time I had the IUD removed I had constant vaginal itching/burning/stinging. I gained weight and had dark circles under my eyes. Last fall I did the Humaworm cleanse. It was difficult, but I felt great afterwards. I did the cleanse again in March and immediately started the Humaworm Candida cleanse in April. During the candida cleanse, my stomach was so bloated I looked like I was 5 months pregnant. I gained weight and had the worst gas. The intense vaginal itching/burning also returned along with itching under my left breast. Now, 3 weeks after the cleanse I'm still really bloated, I am gaining weight and I have occasional itching. Should I load up on probiotics or should I do the candida cleanse again to kill off the rest of the candida?
Any help/suggestions/experience sharing is greatly appreciated!!