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Frontal headache, swollen tonsil, hot body temp...thoughts anyone?
Michael B Views: 2,751
Published: 13 y

Frontal headache, swollen tonsil, hot body temp...thoughts anyone?

This is my fifth day of taking Lugols 5% and I am noticing some symptoms coming up. Please share whatever thoughts you have regarding my dosing and side effects.

First day: 16 drops
Side effects: high/giddy. Reduction in gland size under the jaw. Light sweat during nap and at night.

Second day: 12 drops +8drops
Reduced from using 2 blankets at night to 1 blanket

Third day: 12 drops + 12 drops
Possible Mild headache around noon... salt flushed and it went away

Fourth day: 12 drops + 4 drops + 12 drops
Left tonsil began to swell, which is very unusual. Later at night, mild Frontal headache. All around high body temperature and "thickness" in head not necessarily a headache. Had to sleep with half the blanket OFF.

Day five: 12 drops.
Tonsil swelling is down 50% but glands under jaw are inflamed. High temp and sweat indoors and underarms.

I have been salt flushing everyday as well as taking selenium 200mcg. Any thoughts anyone?

Oh and also, a bizarre dream this morning:

I had some kind of open flesh wound on my left arm below the biceps. I saw some little mosquito or black wing insect sucking blood and I decided to swat it. It quickly buried inside the wound. Later on I was picking in the wound with my thumb and saw the little black insect...i picked inside the flesh to get it out but it buried deeper.

As if focusing more of my awareness on the area, I became cognizant that there were "hatcheries" like a beehive hatching larvae that were connected to the wound. Like from the movie "alien". I could see them pulsing and see the little bugs and larvae squiggling...I started squeezing them and got some out. I had to squeeze pretty hard and kept getting some little things out but it I could sense it wasn't resolving they were full of this larvae insect crap.

So I realized the hives weren't really part of my arm, or if they were they were dead flesh and didn't hurt to rip. So I started ripping them off. I started grabbing them tightly and pulling them off and it was highly effective. Whatever it was in my arm sensed that its gig was up and decided to high tail it: suddenly these long worms crawled out of the hives along with the insects and a bunch of crap. Whatever was in there decided to leave because it knew it it's chances of survival were greater elsewhere...I then woke up from the surprise and I'm not sure if that arm is fully healed, or my right arm either because I sensed it there as well. There were still hatcheries left when I woke up.

Any interpretations? Could this be a lymphatic infection being cleared up?


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