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Re: If you are sick, you need to cast out the demons.
vektek Views: 1,754
Published: 13 y
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Re: If you are sick, you need to cast out the demons.

Insight, you are right, I didn't watch the video.
The title of your post is enough for me to decide I don't need to invest time I don't have.

Maybe I shouldn't have replied at all. I guess it just makes me mad when I think about all the christians I have known and know now that are suffering from illnesses and disabilities, and it just seems like a slap in the face to say all these people are filled with demons or don't have enough faith, or whatever you want to say about them, when to me I see nothing but faith at work in these people. I see people that get up every day despite there afflictions and still praise God! It takes a lot more faith to be sick or disabled and still praise God than to be well and still praise God.

Refreshed posted a video recently of a guy with no arms and no legs. Yet he gets up everyday and tours around the world telling people about Jesus, and how Jesus is why he is still here, because he almost committed suicide when he was ten years old. But God saved him in that moment and showed him he had a purpose in this life, just how he was! He is an awesome example of the power of God in weakness! Don't tell me he has demons inside him! Don't tell me Joni Eareckson Tada, who I quote a lot on here, who has spent her life helping disabled people all over the world, and who has been another incredible witness of the power of God in weakness, has demons inside her! Along with Refreshed's video of the guy with no arms and no legs, I posted another video about a girl who married her boyfriend after he had been in a terrible accident and now has brain damage. You want to see an example of true love and commitment, go watch that video! Their story is amazing, and I'm now following that girls's blog everyday. These stories increase my hope, my joy, my love for God. I learn so much through these stories and so many other stories where God is obviously triumphing in amazing ways and you want me to spend eight hours watching a video that says all these people are just filled with demons!

No thank you! You go ahead. But I'm not interested.

And like I said, maybe I shouldn't have responded at all, but I guess I couldn't help it.

I'm still going to be praying for you about this though and remember me when you find out this is a lie and that I cared enough to tell you!


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