Re: weight loss through fasting??
The adage that "all diets work, but all diets fail" holds true for water-fasting as well........the ultimate zero-calorie diet.
Many consider that water-fasting is not ideal for weightloss, and for a variety of reasons; one of these is the lowered metabolic rate in an effort by the body in preserving its food reserves in the ultimate prevention of starvation. A lowered metabolic rate means less calories are burnt as fuel in ketosis.
You will ultimately lose weight of course on a water-only fast just as you will on a calorie restricted diet, but once both have come to an end, the
pounds can pile on again and especially after the fast as there is a nitrogen deficit.
The secret in maintaining weightloss after either a diet or a water-only fast is threefold.............
#1. Eat a low-calorie but nutrient dense diet, or what is referred to as a "Nutritarian diet". This is more a way of eating than a diet per-se.
Diets that are not nutrient-dense do not satisfy the body "nutritionally" which in turn creates constant hunger. A body that is satisfied nutritionally will have its hunger "satiated" and therefore the tendency to overeat is overcome. The Standard American Diet (SAD) which is woefully inadequate, will not satisfy the body nutritionally, this in turn creates a virtual perpetual state of hunger: therefore overeating takes place on the wrong foods resulting in obesity.
#2. Combine your foods properly at each meal, which maximizes the absorption of nutrients whilst simultaneously minimizing putrefaction and fermentation. Combining a predominantly protein food WITH a predominantly starchy food at the same meal, produces the aforementioned and a main cause of weight-gain.
#3. Follow an exercise programme that will burn fat while you sleep, and up to 24 hours after finishing exercising, and in under 12 mins per day...............