Interesting. This is my 2nd sinus infection in 1 month. Before these, it was 2 years. I think I had an increase of candida from having a lot of rice last week...and then scrapping it when I figured it out that i was getting rashes and fatigue again, I had a die off day with sore neck and now I am back to normal.
A lot of people say paleo will kick candida. That would exclude grains. All grains are bad for me. Are your stools coming out colored or looking like the food..messy? If I was including corn, pork, and a lot of fruit, that would happen to me.
It took me a couple times to watch this to listen to him. Grains are not easy to digest because of their structure. They are great food for increasing fermentation. This makes them a much worse choice than potatoes. Quinoa is a vegetable, but for cost reasons I stick to potatoes mainly.