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Re: Brain pH and carbicarb
Will_I_Ever_Learn Views: 1,826
Published: 12 y
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Re: Brain pH and carbicarb

Some interesting stuff here:


Ted from Bangkok

I don't agree with the use of coral calcium or calcium carbonate as a method of controlling pH. The body has limited means ot utilizing them and both saliva pH, urine pH and blood carbon dioxide isn't effected that much. Hence, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium citrate, and sodium citrates are more effective in raising blood oxygen and lower blood carbon dioxide. It's also used in medicine to help revival of dogs to prevent brain damage after a stroke, using the carbicarb (equimolar concentration of sodium carbonate plus potassium bicarbonate). Apparently during a stroke or a poor blood circulation, as in economy class syndrome, acidity level is raised in the brain so such an extent that the neural cells is destroyed. Doctor's never bother to care about measuring the pH in the brain and it's easy to say in the blood, because it's not convenient, but acid brain is what kills you. I had a person with astenia, a condition where a person cannot sleep and this problem remained for 10 years, until I found his brain to be acid, while blood pH is normal. Upon using the carbicarb, he was able to sleep normally and while he is well into his 60s now started acting more youthful and active as the neurodegenerative conditions, don't occur because the brain doesn't have excessive carbon dioxide and acid pH.



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