My daughter just had her 5th miscarriage after using mirena...she had a healthy and non eventful first pregnancy before she used mirena and has a 4 yr. old daughter, thank god. After using the mirena for only 18 mos. during which time she had horrible acne, she became pregnant with no problem after having the mirena remove....she never made it past 12 weeks for the first 4 pregnancies. Her 5th pregnancy just made it to 16 weeks. What happens is the baby seems to be developing normally and she goes in for a routine appt. and ultra sound and no heart beat...drs. Can find NO reason, nothing genetic with the baby....She is only 30 and her and her husband desperately want more children...I'm convinced it is the mirena that has done something to the lining of her uterus but of course no doctor is going to admit it...DO NOT use Mirena if you want more children...I have read story after story on other forums that match my daughters...