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Re: Not of your world :) edited.

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chavey Views: 2,177
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Re: Not of your world :) edited.

For the third time ...........

{{{37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” }}}

There are extremists in most all religions so one cannot associate true believers, irrespective of their religious choice, with ones that have 'contempt' for God's Word.

I see your "choice" as an extremist view not because of your opening 'post' alone but your denunciation of the Catholic faith that simply differs from yours, remember "grace"?

I have said to you that the church is 'divided' and you go on to prove my words. You do not even have the grace to use a capital letter when you write the name "Catholic". If you are to quote God's Word then one must live/abide them my friend.

You say this .....
[[[ This is where we will differ. For example as a catholic I do not go to God to ask for forgiveness of sins. I use an intermediary, a priest instead. I have elevated man into a position that is only for God himself.]]]

Well not exactly my friend ....

Q. 1. Why do Catholics pray to Mary?

A. 1. A saying that is well known among Catholics is, "To Jesus, through Mary." This does not mean, "To Mary, through Jesus." Nor does it mean, "To Jesus and to Mary." This saying affirms that Catholics do not pray "to" Mary as an equal to God. They pray "through" Mary as an intercessor who prays to God on behalf of mankind.

If Catholics were to pray to Mary, this would imply that they are worshipping her as a god. But Catholics do not perceive Mary as a god. (i) They honour the Blessed Virgin Mary. (ii) The view Mary as the holiest of all the Saints. (iii) The accept the fact that Mary is the most successful Saint at obtaining Divine favours through her intercession.

[[[ I contend Christianity can be divided into 3 main branches with one being heretical in nature ]]]

Well my friend I contend that Christianity has divisions because of the "way" you "see" God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
There is no difference in retrospect but I must ask you this because you have not mentioned it, what denomination do you belong? You have an "elitist" view of your beliefs, consider this Thorns and Nails, Jesus was not a Christian
so how has your denomination of Christianity become above others whilst Jesus preached Peace, Love, and Humbleness.

I was told by one of your associates on this forum that the "Word" is not about what I wish to see written.

I spoke about Gnostic's, I didn't say I agreed with it, I quoted it because religious leaders at the time decided that the books were not of their liking, well really?
You tell me "First, you are correct in the definition gnostic, yet you do not capture the heart nor the intent of the gnostic movement of that period."

You wrote:

114 Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

and ....

"Some say this is metaphor. CRI (Christian research Institute) did a great breakdown on this. Metaphor or not, it does not correlate to any other writings or themes in scripture."

It was meant metaphorically.

Jesus treated women and men as equals, does that not meet your 'smell test'? It certainly does not meet the Christian 'smell test' does it? For how long will it be before you have a "woman" leader in your church albeit Jesus looked upon all as equal.

You my friend are among the many in religion that has constantly changed peoples beliefs to suit their own ends.
One can see why churches are emptying and you are proving my 'smell test", :)



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