I've always wondered if mercury poisoning from my fillings is the definitive reason I have chronic candida problems. In the past I've taken chlorella for its health benefits (not for mercury detox) and I would always have worse fatigue and candida flares. I didn't think that much of it until I tried eating cilantro the other day and woke up with a headache the next day and a slight candida flare up.
It's all adding up to me. I truly am mercury poisoned. Otherwise I wouldn't have such strong reactions to both chlorella and cilantro while the fillings are still in place. I can't wait to get these toxic monsters out of my head hopefully within the next 4 to 6 months. It's been eleven years of hell with constant health maintenance just to keep myself functioning on a daily basis. Not to mention the cost of the supplements I have to take to keep myself going. I wish dentists could be thrown in jail for the criminal things they've done to undermine so many people's health.