Please read this on liver troubles. Maybe there is something going wrong in the liver causing the confusion and haze. I had all that really badly during this winter..before esentially becoming vegan. I think I am dealing with gall stones and your complaints are very familiar to me..I just had major digestive problems too. Complete malabsorption, rancidification of food. candida rashes etc.
I found this syndrome hit all of my symptoms. I got on a low protein vegan plan now and my bad jaundice has went away...still running tests.
I have dealt with all the symptoms you mentioned while moving around the country, traveling abroad, and it has been hell. Working as a subsitute teacher, it was so hard to deal with students and other adults with the haze, anxiety, and confusion. Getting away from packing in the protein has helped a lot. I tried detoxing and lowcarbing for candida for over 2 years. It was a waste of time and protein contributed to my shut down digestion that candida thrived in.