I have debated over 200 evolutionists for about 3 years and, my dear, though it is true that some people who call themselves Christians also get nasty, even obscene (and if you think hypocrisy is for "Christians" only, no, you should really learn your logical fallacies and analyze how some big time evolutionist scientists are blatantly distorting and misrepresenting data for the naive public), it no way compares in intensity or grossness when one looks at what the evolutionists are saying. This doesn't make the evolutioniosts right or wrong. The data and logic determine that.
However, if one believes that one came from a dataless, evidenceless primal pond and likes to think that he or she is nothing more than an accidental great, great etc. grandkid of Lucy & Ida, then where is there any necessary incentive to believe that one should be civil or objective? Rhetorical Q. Someone who truly feels that he or she was created in the image of the Creator isn't as likely to stoop to verbally abusing others. That's been my experience, again based on at over 200 posters.