I am not sure whether Marc is even familiar with LifeOne. My good friend Ty Bollinger (author of "Cancer - Step Outside the Box") certainly is impressed with it (and has a financial interest in it too, I should probably point out). I checked it out a bit and it looks like a good product, though a quite expensive one. I note that most of the ingredients in LifeOne are also included in the suggested anti-cancer protocol (which is also used as an anti-AIDS and over all anti-disease protocol) we have which features oleander as the main, though not only, centerpiece.
Insofar as success, Marc's Sutherlandia OPC has had virtually 100% success in reversing HIV symptoms, escpecially low white blood cell counts, in clinical study and in practical use. One thing I would do if I had HIV is take plentiful olive leaf extract - as there have been reports of HIV being completely reversed with olive leaf extract. Given the reports I have seen, I might also strongly consider the LifeOne product, if money were not an object.