My first computer came with 2 floppy drives, one for your program and another to save data to. I sent away for a 40MB hard drive that cost me $400. I got highly involved making self calculating spreadsheets which I used in my construction business to figure material. I also created a spreadsheet to plot huge (30'-200')radius arcs on the job site with mathematical precision plotted by base-lining off an X/Y axis. My plot gave me coordinates every six foot and to connect the dots with proper the radius I used Auto Sketch a cheap version made by AutoCad to print out the radius full scale on a wide carriage dot matrix printer 8 foot long which I stapled to 1/2 inch plywood and cut with a jig saw to make a solid pattern in which the framing plates were formed. This was around 1991. I was a big fan of Lotus123 and considered it alone reason enough for anyone needing a computer. Self calculating speadsheets can be used most anything. Many programs are actually electronic spreadsheets with a friendly user interface. All accounting software would be a good example of this.