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Re: My Interview with top HTMA/Nutritional Balancing Practitioner- Theresa Vernon.
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Re: My Interview with top HTMA/Nutritional Balancing Practitioner- Theresa Vernon.

Thanks Maria- Such a great interview.

My favourite paragraph.

Theresa: Well this is always true of natural healing. Whether it's Chinese herbal therapy or acupuncture, dietary shifting or Elimination Diets , the majority of people quit. Most people are not willing to do what it takes, most people will not go through any degree of hardship, they are looking for relief, not healing and they want a quick fix. That's why I say Western Medicine is the way that it is because that's what people have demanded. They want relief at any cost and if that's where a person's mind is at, then natural healing is going to be very disappointing for them. They will get relief when they've earned it, not before. But for people who understand this, and usually they're people who've suffered enough, they've been sick long enough and they've finally given up on that illusion that there's some magic little button they can push and be done with this. Chronic illness is deeply rooted in the person, that person is making themselves sick in some way, it is their fault on some level and it can be purely due to ignorance and if they knew better they would do better yet the other side is the addiction issue.


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